What Employees Want: Overlooked Insights in Employee Engagement

Discover how to transform your organization into a community of belonging.


Do you know what employees need from your business?


Even if you did before, it’s already changed. Understanding what really drives employee engagement was once the ideal. Today, it’s necessary.


In the shadow of the “great resignation,” the stakes of engagement are higher.


But this silver lining quickly evaporated. More recent data from Gallup paints a bleaker picture of global employee satisfaction:


  • 19% are miserable
  • 21% are engaged at work
  • 33% are thriving in their well-being
  • 44% regularly experience stress at work
  • 60% are emotionally detached at work


The dwindling happiness reflected in these figures isn’t far ahead of burnout and attrition.


It begs the question: Is this just the way things are? Is disengagement and dissatisfaction inevitable? Do HR professionals need to stop trying to make employees happy and accept widespread disappointment?


We’re back to business as usual, right? Wrong.


To learn more, download the What Employees Want: Overlooked Insights in Employee Engagement white paper.

Download the Guide





About our Sponsor, Paycom:

Paycom provides transformative HR and payroll software for the entire employee life cycle. A single, easy-to-use software empowers employees to access, manage and update their own HR data — from benefits and PTO to direct deposit and everything in between — all under the same digital roof. The transfer of responsibility from HR to employee increases accuracy, security and compliance; improves the overall employee experience, thus boosting retention levels; and frees HR to focus on driving greater business value.